Because Your Health Matters
Vivian Rice
Certified Nutritionist,
Certified GAPS Practitioner
Primary Nutritionist and Owner
Vivian began her professional career in 1964 as an LPN. Her experience working in hospitals as well as her personal experience with allergies motivated her to study and implement holistic healing methods.
She studied at the American Hygienic Society in Chicago, Dr Shelton’s Health School in Texas with a focus on nutrition, with Paavo Airola, N.D. in Arizona and with N.W. Walker, Ph.D in California. She became a Certified Hypnotherapist and later graduated as a massage therapist and foot reflexologist.
Vivian became a Certified Healing Dialogue Therapist in 1983, and has done extended independent studies in nutrition, herbology and applied kinesiology. She has had 50 years experience in natural healing with nutrition and herbs. In 1980, Vivian opened and continues to operate her own holistic practice in Colorado Springs, Wild Rice Nutrition.
A nationally known ceremonialist, educator and speaker, she is an active member of the American Holistic Nurses Association and The American Herb Guild.
Vivian lives what she teaches. In 1983, she honored her Seminole/Creek Indian blood by learning and living the Spirit Road that honors all of the Creator’s life forms and their synergistic purpose. She was adopted by the Lakota White Hawk family in South Dakota in 1987.
Vivian Rice is a certified Nutritionist, passionate about health, nutrition, and happiness. Throughout the years, her business has grown, but her focus has always remained consistent; Wild Rice Nutrition is here to help people achieve wellness, identify food sensitivities, and improve health through custom nutritional counseling.
Vivian works Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am to noon, and from 4 to 5 pm. She works Friday from 9 am to noon only, and is off on Wednesdays.
Please get in touch to learn more about nutrition for your personal requirements.
Katherine Duboue'
Certified Nutritionist
Katherine Duboué is both a nutritionist and an intuitive counselor.
She has received certification in Edukinesthetics, Contact Reflex Analysis and Applicable Nutrition.
She is a graduate of the National Institute of Nutrition Education.
She apprenticed with Vivian Rice and has been a nutritional counselor for over 15 years.
We are happy to have Katherine working in our office on Wednesday and Thursday mornings and early afternoons.
Achieve Your Goals
Supporting Your Success
To Begin
Is this for you?
Making an Informed Decision
We encourage potential clients to make sure Wild Rice Nutrition will be a good fit for them by scheduling a free, 15 minute phone consultation with Vivian.Â
This way the client can express what their health concerns are and speak directly with our primary nutrition expert.
New Clients
Receiving Answers
Making Better Decisions for You
Once you decide to become a client of Wild Rice Nutrition, we will schedule you for a 90 minute session with Vivian or Katherine.
This session may include doing a complete supplement schedule for you, or starting directly with one of our personalized therapies.
Please contact our office to set up an appointment.
Food Management
The Guidance You Need
to Succeed
Katherine will help you discover which foods are best for your body by going through a comprehensive foods list with you. As your body becomes more healthy, these foods will often change, so we suggest having these sessions every few months.
Specialty Services
A Healthier Overall You!
At some point during your health journey, it may be necessary for you let go of thought processes or past events which could be impacting your health. If that happens, Vivian and Katherine each bring specialized services to assist you with a myriad of issues which help you create a healthier overall you!